9 reasons for Penang real estate market in gloomy and doomy
We're coming towards the end of year 2013. As for year 2014, ever since the #Budget2014 annoucement the real estate market will be placed into regulated control. As with #Penang State government, she has taken additional steps towards damage control to curb property speculation. Below are the chronology of events that expect to take place:
- 1-Jan-2014: [Malaysia] Stricter bank loan(effect with net purchase price instead of gross purchase price, example if gross purchase is RM1,000,000 with 5% discount then net purchase is RM950,000). The #SPA will be registered as RM950,000 instead of RM1,000,000 .
- 1-Jan-2014: [Malaysia] Increase in #RPGT. Check out http://www.vulcaninternational.blogspot.com/2013/10/penang-property-malaysia-real-estate.html for more details. Refer to table below:

- 1-Jan-2014: [Malaysia] No #DIBS(Developer Interest Bearing Scheme)
- 1-Feb-2014: [Penang State] 5-year rule. Owners of affordable homes bought for below RM400,000 on the island and RM250,000 on the mainland would be barred from reselling their properties in the first five years of ownership. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said affordable and public housing owners who wished to sell their units during the moratorium RM400,000(only can dispose after 6th year), for mainland RM250,000 would have to appeal to the state government, and if given the green light, could only sell to qualified “listed buyers from middle-income group” who were registered with the state housing department. Lim said in a statement that the new rulings would cover future and past purchases.
- 1-Feb-2014: [Penang State] 10-year rule. Future and past purchases of up to RM72,500 only can dispose after 10 years. That is to say that owners of public housing low and low-medium cost units bought for RM42,000 and RM72,500 respectively or less cannot sell their units for 10 years. Effective date should be based on SPA.
- 1-Feb-2014: [Penang State] “A two per cent levy will be imposed on the seller, for all properties(including land) sold within three years from the date of the Sales & Purchase Agreement(SPA) signed from Feb 1, 2014. Property bought with the SPA signed before Feb 1, 2014, will not be subject to this levy. This two per cent levy is not applicable to affordable housing. All levies will be collected by land office.
- 1-Feb-2014: [Penang State] The new regulations also stipulate that foreigners(non-citizens) can only buy property valued at RM1mil or more, and the threshold is increased to RM2mil if it is a landed property on the island.
- 1-Feb-2014: [Penang State] A three per cent levy would be imposed on properties bought by foreigners, but an exemption would be made if the property is for industrial use, or “promotes employment, education and human talent”, said Lim.
- 1-April-2015: [Malaysia] #GST(Goods and Services Tax) of 6% to replace SST(Sales and Services Tax) which is 15 months to go.
This article has been written by VULCAN INT'L Real Estate Research Institute http://www.vulcanresearch.blogspot.com for VULCAN INTERNATIONAL Real Estate Investors Club http://www.vulcaninternational.blogspot.com .
VulcanInternational could be contacted at +6 016 451 1321 .
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