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Monday, March 31, 2014

Technology | Microsoft Launched Office Suite For iPad And iPhone

Why Microsoft Office suite (Excel, PPT, Word) is so importance to Apple's iOS? All this while iOS is lacking the support of Microsoft Office that makes entrepreneur inefficient when dealing with files that been created with Microsoft Office and it can't open in iOS environment except by using 3rd party application like SmartOffice to open it. If you use 3rd party apps to edit and send it out, chances are the formating might not be in order. This makes conducting businesses with files from Microsoft Office is not viable when using iOS environment. That is akin iOS as using the "artificial heart and now comes with real heart." 

Obviously you can use what Apple has for Office suite replacement like Numbers(which is similar to Excel) and so on. But then again it doesn't has compatiblity with Microsoft Office.

When Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella introduced Microsoft Office suite to Apple's iOS from ground build up who will gain more? Microsoft or Apple? 

In monetary sense Microsoft might gain as those users that install Microsoft Office for iPad will have to activate the full version when connect to Office 365 and files are save in OneDrive(previously SkyDrive). So it's portability and the files can be consumed anywhere. The current free Microsoft Office suite for ipad is read only and doesn't allow any editing to be done or create files, in essence it's a viewer. You need to spring for an Office 365 subscription to edit or create files. An Office 365 Home subscription costs $100 per year with usage rights on up to five PCs and five mobile devices included, though Microsoft plans to roll out a $70 per year Office 365 Personal subscription later this spring, which will work with one PC and one tablet. However the Microsoft Office for iPhone is Home version with capability to edit. Microsoft Office suite is said to be dominant and has over a billion users.

On the contrary, it's better late than never and it happened during Tim Cook's era instead of Steve Jobs' era. Nearly seven years after Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone. With Microsoft Office suite for iPad, the iPad now will become a tool for entrepreneur. In long terms Apple will gain more for purchases of its hardware. This will eventually incorporated in Apple's CarPlay that currently Apple is working with automobiles manufacturers and Office will be there. I expect iPad to grow in demand. I expect more iterations to come including enable printing just like Microsoft did iterations for OneNote for iPad.


This article has been written by VULCAN INT'L Real Estate Research Institute http://www.vulcanresearch.blogspot.com for VULCAN INTERNATIONAL Real Estate Investors Club http://www.vulcaninternational.blogspot.com .

VulcanInternational could be contacted at +6 016 451 1321 .

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